Sophie Walmsley

Sophie qualified as a solicitor and joined Osborne Clarke's Private Wealth team in September 2023, primarily working from the Bristol office. Sophie advises on a broad range of Private Client work including Wills and estate planning, lasting powers of attorney, estate administration, trust administration, deputyships, and charities.
Sophie assists with advising individuals and families on the preparation of Wills and wider inheritance tax and estate planning measures with a view to preserving assets and minimising future tax liabilities. She also advises on the law surrounding mental capacity and can assist with the preparation of lasting powers of attorney so that individuals can appoint trusted persons to make decisions on their behalf in the event that they lose capacity in the future. She also advises on the set up and ongoing administration of deputyships.
Sophie also has experience with advising on estate administration. This includes advising appointed executors or administrators on the process of obtaining a grant of letters of administration, dealing with the assets and liabilities in an estate on their behalf and arranging distribution to beneficiaries under the terms of their Will or the intestacy rules. Sophie advises on ongoing trust administration, including registering trusts on the Trust Registration Service and the preparation of relevant documents for the ongoing maintenance and decision making involved with trusts. She also has experience of assisting with establishing charities and advising on ongoing charity governance more broadly.
I enjoy working with individuals and families from a wide variety of backgrounds to assist them with finding the best estate planning measures for them. I am grateful that my work gives me the opportunity to assist clients at key points during their lives and that I am able to assist with planning for the future, relieve burden and simplify processes.
Setting up Wills, accompanying letters of wishes and lasting powers of attorney for a ultra-high net worth entrepreneurial family.
Advising executors on the administration of an estate with a variety of UK based assets.
Establishing a trust and preparing ongoing documentation to record trustee decision making in a trust's ongoing administration.
Advising on the preparation lasting powers of attorney documentation and advising on their use in practice.