Shelley Faulkner

Shelley acts for and advises UK and international clients on a wide range of private wealth issues. This includes advising on trust creation, taxation and administration, on inheritance tax planning and on the setting up and administration of charitable companies and trusts.
Shelley acts in the administration of trusts and estates, including those holding businesses and international assets, and she advises on associated disputes. Shelley acts for and advises international (particularly US) clients on the administration of UK assets held in international estates. She also advises on Wills and lasting powers of attorney; on estate and business succession planning; on asset protection strategies, and on the tax implications of UK residence and domicile.
Shelley is ranked in the Chambers High Net Worth Guide, and recommended in the Legal 500 directory:
" Shelley Faulkner was a standout performer for me. She demonstrated a great mixture of technical knowledge and practical experience and, most importantly, she really understood the pressure points for us as a business and worked within tight timeframes to help us reach our desired outcome".
"She has an excellent knowledge of trusts and probates" and "is very friendly and approachable, as well as appearing businesslike and efficient in her approach to our dealings"
"Shelley is very professional, with an amazing memory and close attention to detail.. She is sympathetic, good at listening to concerns and at explaining legalities and procedures.. Proactive and available."
Shelley works as part of Osborne Clarke's UK Private Wealth team, which practises across the London, Bristol and Reading offices.
Shelley advises on a wide range of private wealth issues, including:
I very much enjoy building long-lasting relationships with clients from a wide variety of different backgrounds, and advising at what are often key points in their lives.
My work can be as diverse as: advising on succession planning for business owners; dealing with the administration of an overseas estate; setting up a charitable foundation; estate planning for a retiring couple; advising a household-name business on trust registration, or setting up a trust as part of tax planning before a business sale.
Setting up a trust for the benefit of a disabled beneficiary, to hold funds received from a US living trust under the terms of the settlor's US Will.
Advising a local manufacturing entrepreneur, operating in the UK, Europe and the US, on succession planning and trust creation.
Acting in the administration and winding-up of a substantial charitable foundation set up by a former Bristol mayor and entrepreneur, including advice relating to the largest donation made to Bristol Cathedral in recent history.
Acting in the administration of the UK estate of a Maltese domiciliary, and advising on the implications of a Jersey trust created by the deceased.
Acting in the administration of the UK estate of a German domiciliary with a Will executed in accordance with the deceased's Irish nationality.
Acting in the administration of two trusts together holding a substantial shareholding in a quarrying company, including advising on the options for the company's investment portfolio.
Acting in the administration of a complex insolvent estate, where the deceased held business interests in a number different countries, and involving an application for court guidance on the distribution in light of the estate's contingent and disputed liabilities.
Setting up a bare trust for the grandchildren of a Taiwan domiciled client, for the purpose of purchasing UK property tax-efficiently.
Advising on the tax and trust implications of a proposed restructuring of an events company, as part of a family's planning for inheritance tax.
Acting in establishing and administering a substantial trust holding companies and shareholdings, an interest in a partnership, farmland and investment properties, an airfield and a telecoms tower.
Setting up a personal injury trust to hold medical negligence awarded for the avoidable amputation of an elderly client's leg. Advising on the protection of the award in the client's lifetime, in conjunction with inheritance tax planning.
Advising the legal team of an investment management company on the implications of improperly constituted trusts, the court's decision on which was recently reported.
The deadline to sign up is imminent, with exclusions unlikely to apply for trusts set up by Limited Partnership Agreements