Sabrina Maiello

Sabrina is an expert in administrative law, with a particular focus in the field of public procurement especially in healthcare and pharmaceuticals and in the field of public utilities and urban planning.
She has accrued specific expertise in the field of public procurement of constructions, services, and supplies, both in terms of assistance in the bidding process and in the management of litigation representing clients before administrative and judicial authorities, in particular in the healthcare and life science sectors.
In addition, Sabrina has dealt with important interventions in project financing, as well as issues related to the management of public services, public service rates, urban planning and construction, landscape protection and expropriation procedures.
The clients she works with are multinationals, public entities and public sector companies.
Advised on the client’s participation - as a member of a temporary joint venture - in a public tender for the processing of Italian plasma with a value of approximately €200 million, and in the ensuing litigation following the award of the contract to the temporary joint venture.
Advised on litigation relating to the supply of analytical systems for red cell immunohematology s tests intended for use in the laboratories of public hospitals. The relevant contracts had a value of approximately €3 million.
Advised on a variety of administrative issues relating to contract management, and the maintenance and modernisation of the regional healthcare systems.
Advised on the renovation of a building in Lombardy having particular historical and cultural value.