Paul Schmitz

Paul Schmitz advises national and international clients on competition law and EU law.
He focuses on regulatory issues in the automotive sector. In addition, he provides legal guidance to companies in other sectors on all matters of intellectual property.
Paul studied law in Cologne. In his legal traineeship, he worked at the German Federal Cartel Office and the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission in Brussels. He joined Osborne Clarke in 2019.
In a test case brought by Gesamtverband Autoteile-Handel e.V. – a client of international legal practice Osborne Clarke – against the vehicle manufacturer Scania, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) today handed down another landmark decision in favour of competition in the automotive sector (Case C-319/22), read more.
The automotive world is changing. Cybersecurity threats require appropriate responses from vehicle manufacturers. In this expert article for RAW (March 2023), you can find the following conclusion: read more.