Ferdinando Pinto

Ferdinando Pinto represents an authoritative voice in the ambit of administrative procedures, and in particular in relation to public tenders and environmental impact assessments, in the restructuring of publically owned companies and employment contracts in the public sector.
During his long career he has specialised in particular in the areas of health, public works, energy and services and securitisations.
He is a professor of administrative law and department head of the law faculty at the University Federico II in Naples. He has sat on important commissions and has held prestigious roles in public administrations, which he understands inside out in their daily operation. He is also the author of multiple books and articles.
He is admitted to appear before the Italian Supreme Court.
At the conclusions of a Euro 2.2 billion securitisation procedure in the healthcare sector in which I acted for the Campania Region, the bank’s representative told me that in his experience negotiations had never been so tenacious. I took this as a great compliment.
I believe the client must always be respected but equally that the client should be guided when making a choice.