Dr Lisa Hamelmann, LL.M.

Dr Lisa Hamelmann is the Head of the Legal Project Management unit and, together with her team, complements the legal expertise of our lawyers for the efficient and successful handling of a mandate.
With this central unit, Lisa optimises the area around mandate-specific project governance, such as the set-up and implementation of processes, time management, resource allocation and use of technology, quality assurance and budgeting centrally and across all sectors. Her multi-disciplinary team of project managers applies this knowledge in the respective mandate individually and also ensures the optimal use of legal tech, in collaboration with Osborne Clarke Solutions.
In addition to her expertise in legal project management, Lisa has extensive experience at the interface of antitrust law, litigation and economics, in particular in the areas of the assessment of antitrust damages, market analysis and platform markets.
After her studies, including stays abroad in Australia, Kenya, Taiwan and Exeter (LL.M.), she completed her doctorate at the Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics and worked for the UNDP and the UN Secretary-General's High-Level Panel on Access to Medicine, among others.
Before joining Osborne Clarke in 2024, Lisa worked as Head of Economic Analysis and Legal Project Management in a law firm specializing in cartel damages and other mass litigation, where she led cases with more than 15,000 international clients.
Due to my interdisciplinary background, I am aiming to provide further value to our clients and the firm by assessing matters from different perspectives to identify the most suitable solution. By teaching at university and at a NGO providing financial training for young women, I am contributing to tomorrow’s world and keep learning from the new generation also outside the firm.