Dr. Dominika Ropertz, LL.M.

Dr Dominika Ropertz advises clients in all areas of German and European competition law and merger control.
She represents clients in all merger control and competition law proceedings before the German Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt), the European Commission and before the courts. In addition, she advises on compliance management systems, internal investigations and dawn raid concepts as well as antitrust issues in distribution and cooperation agreements.
Before joining Osborne Clarke, Dominika worked at the Bundeskartellamt for several years in the areas of merger control and litigation in antitrust proceedings.
After her studies and legal traineeship in Cologne, Singapore and Miami, Dominika completed her doctorate on liability for automated vehicles. She was able to deepen her expertise in the area of autonomous driving and the use of AI with a scholarship as visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley. While completing her doctoral thesis, Dominika obtained an LL.M. degree in business law. Dominika grew up in the USA.