Daniel joined Osborne Clarke in 2012 and has dedicated over thirty years of his professional career to leading complex proceedings with tax authorities.

Daniel currently concentrates his advisory work in the Energy and Tech, Media and Comms (TMC) sectors. He advises both national and international clients with a strong presence in the field of renewable energy as well as those with a strong technological and innovation component.
As a specialist in tax law Daniel provides in-depth legal advice for the resolution of complex tax proceedings with the tax authorities such as Advance Pricing Agreements (APA) or tax consultations, as well as advice on R&D incentives in variety of sectors such as fashion, food and TMC.

Helping you succeed in tomorrow's world

Nowadays, lawyers must not only provide legal advice but a combination of legal experience with an entrepreneurial approach. Simple straightforward legal advice is no longer suffice in this fast-paced business environment that we live in today. One must seek the integration of different disciplines obtaining a 360º solution for ultimate client success. I especially like to apply this in activities with a strong innovative and disruptive character


Advised one of the leading fashion multinationals in obtaining the first Advance Price Agreement on Patent Box matters with the Spanish tax authorities.