Breige Murphy

Breige is a member of OC's top ranked specialist health and safety team and specialises in health and safety law and related civil litigation.
Every adverse incident produces 4 potential outcomes; an Inquest, a criminal prosecution, regulatory intervention and a civil claim for compensation.
From the outset, Breige works closely with other team members to ensure a co-ordinated strategy is in place to minimise exposure. She is particularly interested in delivering the "lessons learned" aspect with the aim of enhancing workplace culture and minimise future risks.
Breige advises upon complex and catastrophic Motor, EL and PL claims for insured and self-insured clients.
She also handles a wide range of industrial disease claims including HAVS, deafness, WRULD, dermatitis, industrial asthma and asbestos-related conditions.
Breige has a particular focus on utility and telecoms clients and has led the claims resolution service for a major utility client for 20 years+.
She is a highly skilled negotiator and committed to alternative dispute resolution. Long-standing clients particularly value her pro-active approach, tactical awareness and sensitivity to commercial issues.
Breige also works with clients to identify and remedy H&S issues upstream via amending policies, procedures and operational requirements to minimise future claims exposure.
Legal 500 Health & Safety ranking: “Breige Murphy is “smart and super-organised” and a personal injury specialist.
Client's say about Breige: "Breige' s knowledge and expertise are exceptional. She is very responsive, knows our business inside out and delivers clear advice which reflects our litigation and commercial objectives. The level of service provided on a daily basis by Breige and the PI team is outstanding" – Major Utility client.
I am a Mental Health Champion and First Aider and recognise the importance of health and wellbeing in delivering ESG corporate strategy. Given the health and economic consequences of the pandemic, social purpose and equality presents significant challenges but also an opportunity to make real, sustainable changes going forward.
I am actively involved in our Social Diversity Network which focuses on retaining diverse and inclusive talent which is reflective of the society in which we work.
As part of Osborne Clarke's commitment to widen access to the legal profession, I act as a supervisor to a Solicitor Apprentice and participate in the programme run by The Bridge to improve the career prospects and life chances of young people in secondary schools with a higher than average proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Acted to resolve £1 million+ claim by an employee who was arrested and detained whilst working abroad. Co-ordinated rehabilitation efforts and worked closely with the client's HR team to secure a confidential settlement. Participated in review of the client's international travel policies and procedures to minimise risk of future exposure.
Successfully defended a substantial claim following the suicide of an employee dismissed for gross misconduct. We were involved from the outset, securing privilege over the Investigation report and represented the business at the Inquest. This coordinated approach ensured evidence disclosed in one forum did not negatively impact the ability to defend the civil claim and avoided duplication of costs. The civil claim was subsequently discontinued. Supported management and work colleagues of the deceased throughout. Contributed to review of client's wellbeing policies and procedures.
Settled a paraplegic claim valued in excess of £1 million. Issues included a detailed analysis of liability, contributory negligence, related criminal proceedings, mental capacity and video surveillance to assess the claimant’s credibility.
Defeated fatal mesothelioma claim by establishing the deceased's alleged exposure to asbestos did not breach the statutory and/or common law duties applicable during the relevant period of employment.
Ongoing advice on the potential risk of personal injury claims due to the pandemic, resumption of work activities and hybrid working.
Insist that the claim is subject to the PL Protocol and fixed costs will apply