PEOPLEAdvanced Search
Paul Brouwer

Associate Director, The Netherlands

Kim Hoefman

Senior Associate, The Netherlands

Francesco Tonini, PhD.

Associate, Italia

Sabine van Baren

Associate, The Netherlands

605 results

Diversity and inclusion

Anti-discrimination laws impose significant obligations on businesses, while discrimination itself can have significant implications in the workplace. We can help you avoid and, if necessary, deal with potential damages claims related to alleged discrimination. Crucially, we can also assist you to keep your business operating effectively throughout any claims. We...

Pensions disputes

We provide a full range of dispute resolution services for pension schemes, corporate clients and pension providers in the UK. Our extensive experience of handling major disputes means that our lawyers don’t just have a clear understanding of the legal and regulatory framework for pension schemes; they understand the commercial...

La stragrande maggioranza delle imprese opera in ambiente urbano e ne trae vantaggio. Siamo pronti ad aiutarvi a risolvere le sfide legali che dovrete affrontare mentre le nostre città cambiano. Prima della pandemia di Covid 19, si prevedeva che due terzi della popolazione mondiale sarebbero vissuti in aree urbane entro...

Financial regulation

The financial services sector is one of the most highly regulated of all industries and increasingly the one with the highest public profile. The key to good legal advice in this area is practical experience and that’s exactly what our team has. We monitor and advise financial institutions and corporate...

Project finance

Project and infrastructure finance is a specialist area that requires a combination of industry and market knowledge with legal and risk management expertise, as well as a sound grasp of the financial fundamentals. Our international team has a reputation for successfully delivering first-class support in all segments of the infrastructure...
Bringing out the best in people

The working world has changed. We've changed with it, by evolving flexible and imaginative approaches to everyone's work/life needs.