Energy and energy transition

Smart Power | Exiting O&M agreements, grid constraints and managing supply chain risk

Published on 13th June 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of Smart Power, Osborne Clarke's specialist service for asset managers within the green energy sector. Below we discuss three key topical issues facing the sector.

Illuminated office buildings

Exiting O&M agreements

Every owner of or investor in renewable energy assets wants to ensure that their assets are maximised. Responsibility for asset maximisation and performance is often delegated via O&M contracts. But what if an O&M contractor doesn't perform? What rights do owners have and which risks and practicalities need to be addressed?

Find out what owners need to consider when seeking to exit an O&M contract

Managing grid constraints on generation projects

The crisis around available grid capacity is a key issue for those operating in the UK energy market. It is now common for new development projects to be offered connection energisation dates well into the 2030s, and this has damaging impacts on revenue streams and potential investment. But that does not need to mean a decade of delay – there are alternatives open to developers and asset managers who wish to avoid delay due to grid limitations

See here for the options available to generation asset operators to lessen the impact of grid constraints.

Distressed supply chains and how to manage risk

Supply chains have faced significant disruptions over the past couple of years, due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and turbulent global markets. Asset managers need to be aware of how best to manage disruption.

Here are our five top tips for asset managers to protect the stability of their supply chains


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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