Regulatory Timeline: Dual Use Goods Export
Published on 7th October 2015
“The current review of EU export control policy is intended to modernise the regime and address the security challenges caused by rapid technological and scientific developments. Organisations involved in the supply of goods, technology and services with dual-use applications need to ensure that they stay up to date with developments, as current policy options being considered range from continuation of the current export control system to its complete overhaul.”
15 October 2015 – Deadline for open online public consultation
As part of the review of EU Export controls policy, the European Commission is holding a public consultation to collect stakeholder and public input regarding the review objectives, options and their likely impact on the EU’s export control policy.
October / November 2015 – Report on Data Collection and Analysis to be published
The results of the external study focused on data collection about the EU dual-use industry and the likely impacts of the review options are expected to be published in a report in autumn 2015.
1 December 2015 – Export Control Policy Review Conference
The Export Control Policy Review Conference will provide an opportunity to discuss the impact of policy options and their effectiveness and efficiency, before the Commission finalises its Impact Assessment Report for presentation to the Regulatory Scrutiny Board.