Energy and energy transition

Energy Innovation podcast | Corporate power purchase agreements: how are these structured across Europe?

Published on 15th August 2023

Understanding the drivers, structures and challenges of CPPAs across the UK and Europe

In the latest episode of Osborne Clarke's Energy Innovation podcast series, Deborah Harvey leads a discussion with Osborne Clarke colleagues Daniel Breuer, Partner and Head of our Energy Practice in Germany, and Lukasz Petelski, Energy Counsel in Poland.
Together they discuss the role of CPPAs and activity within each jurisdiction, including what they are seeing in terms of structures, price and competition. They also cover the challenges within each area, and discuss opportunities for standardisation. 

Find out more about the series and listen to other episodes.

If you would like more information on any of the points discussed, please contact one of the experts listed below.


* This article is current as of the date of its publication and does not necessarily reflect the present state of the law or relevant regulation.

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