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Employment and pensions

UK Employment Law Coffee Break | Holiday pay: Supreme Court provides clarification for employers in ruling on unlawful deduction of wages claims

Welcome to our latest Employment Law Coffee Break in which, this week, we focus on the latest holiday pay ruling
Infrastructure services

Ten questions contractual parties ask about UK PFI project hand backs

As the sun starts to set on UK PFI, what does hand back have in store for all involved?

Venture capital deal terms trends in the UK

Increasing standardisation of terms, with deals and terms reflective of the challenging economic climate – but optimism and deal flows
Energy and Utilities

How to navigate the emergence of AI in the energy sector

Artificial intelligence is driving transformation across the sector but questions remain around legal and business risks
Dark patterns in Poland

UOKiK znów wlepił karę za dark patterns

Urząd Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów (UOKiK) już na początku tego roku ostrzegał użytkowników internetu przed firmami stosującymi zabronione prawem ciemne
Financial Services

What are the EU's white paper requirements in MiCAR and do they apply to Bitcoin?

The ground-breaking Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation will apply across the EU, but what will its impact be on established crypto-assets?
Navigating restructuring plans

Engaging with HMRC to avoid issues when cramming down tax liabilities under an English restructuring plan

HMRC has taken an increasingly active role in opposing restructuring plans with which it does not agree
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | UK and Germany agree new hydrogen partnership

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero
Banking and finance

Barcelona court rules on appeal against breach of financial assistance rules

Two security interests of the deferred purchase price are null and void as they violate the prohibition on financial assistance
Energy and Utilities

The terms and conditions of the first pilot auction for renewable hydrogen production are published as a key element in the development of the European Hydrogen Bank

Through this public tender mechanism, the European Commission is creating a financing instrument to promote the development of renewable hydrogen
Employment and pensions

Spain's Supreme Court rules on when to communicate a dismissal to workers' representatives

What are the formalities that a company must follow when notifying a termination for objective causes?