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Energy and Utilities

Administrative procedures for the construction and operation of biomethane projects

The production of biomethane has become increasingly important for the energy transition and the reduction of carbon emissions into the
Energy and Utilities

Energy Innovation podcast series

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IT and data

Legislation on financial services contracts concluded "at a distance" is on its way in Spain

Member States have until late 2025 to enact in domestic law provisions that address digitalisation and protect consumers
Dispute resolution

Spain's Supreme Court rules on the period for action against administrators of corporate debt

The judgment has drawn an unexpected conclusion to the debate around how to calculate the prescriptive period
Regulatory and compliance

The European Commission is proposing to pay invoices within 30 days

The proposed regulation strengthens measures against late payment in European commercial transactions
Artificial intelligence

UK Supreme Court confirms inventors must be human

Patent applications naming an AI-powered machine as the inventor were rightly rejected by the UKIPO
Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence: what's on the radar?

What AI developers and providers need to be thinking about today to be ready for the law tomorrow
Tech, Media and Comms

Cybersecurity: the challenge for boards of directors of listed companies in Spain

Companies need to adapt corporate governance policies constantly to face the challenge posed by the digital revolution

Spain's 'Beckham Law': recent changes and the current state of play

The Personal Income Tax Regulations, Form 149 required for applying for the impatriate regime, and Form 151 for filing Income
Regulatory and compliance

New UK advertising guidance as ASA proposes to actively investigate green disposal claims in 2024

Research by the ASA gives insight into consumer beliefs about the veracity of claims and understanding of terms used
IT and data

What EU businesses need to know about NIS2 and cybersecurity compliance

Organisations need to get prepared as the revised directive's national implementation deadline nears in 10 months' time
Intellectual property

UK Court of Appeal confirms Samsung is liable for third-party content on app store

Samsung was not entitled to rely on the eCommerce Directive's hosting safe harbour