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Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | CfD auction plans, National Infrastructure Strategy, new heat pump targets

This week we look the plan for the UK's fourth CfD auction, the National Infrastructure Strategy, the Mayor of London's

Energy and Utilities

Energy innovation projects | Autumn update of key grant funding options

We are seeing a transformative change in how energy is generated, balanced, optimised and consumed. Innovation within the energy sector

Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | National Grid ends ODFM Service, The ELC reaches 100% renewable electricity, BEIS announces £134 million green grant

This week we look at National Grid ESO ending its Downward Flexibility Management service, BEIS launching a call for evidence

Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Net zero and RIIO-2, Tesla's Virtual Power Plant and Ofgem's State of the Market Report

This week's Energy Transition highlights include the role of net zero in Ofgem's RIIO-2 price control review, the postponement of

Energy and Utilities

Rapid-charging EV infrastructure: on the cusp of the investment opportunity

The demand for rapid-charging EV charging infrastructure (EVCI) is continuing to increase, and with it the demand for investment. At

Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Government to publish net-zero strategy, consortium of global power system operators launched and Green recovery could cut global emissions by 7%

This week we look at the government's announcement to publish a comprehensive net-zero strategy, a new green recovery report, the

Energy and Utilities

Enhancing the financial performance of energy assets: understanding legal obligations

As the regulator Ofgem becomes increasingly interventionist, it pays off to be aware of directors' duties, health and safety risks

The Built Environment

UK government to review Energy National Policy Statements

The government has announced that it will review its National Policy Statements for Energy (NPSs) in response to a recent