All Insights

Retail and Consumer

De Hoge Raad doet uitspraak over online betaalknoppen: Wat betekent dit voor webshops?

De uitspraak heeft mogelijk grote gevolgen voor online handelaren, vooral in het geval dat rechtszaken tegen consumenten al gestart zijn.
Dispute resolution

Spain's Supreme Court rules Covid-19 not a force majeure event exempting payment of rent on business premises

Covid-19 cannot be deemed to be an instance of force majeure and does not provide grounds for exemption
IT and data

Legitimate interest as a legal ground for data processing in a commercial context in Spain

CJEU does not rule out that a commercial interest may be considered a legitimate interest for processing personal data

Spanish General Directorate of Taxes clarifies the criteria for determining operating profit for corporate income tax purposes

Income, expenses or revenue not included permanently in the corporate income tax base should be excluded from the operating profit

The CNMC approves the circular regulating access and connection to electricity grids for demand-side installations

The expected new Circular renews the methodology for access and connection to the grid of demand-side facilities, responding to new

RD 5/2023, on corporate reorganisations

Applying common provisions may give rise to implementation issues due to different interpretations and legal loopholes
Energy and Utilities

'Red alert': EU Renewable Energy Directive's third edition rolls out in the Netherlands

What changes will RED III bring for Dutch renewable targets and related legal procedures and what is its status?
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Government launches call for evidence to inform changes to the Capacity Market

Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
Life Sciences and Healthcare

England's health and social care sector can expect more change at the Care Quality Commission

Healthcare providers face uncertainty following the rollout of the single assessment framework amid public criticism

UK PFI handbacks: remember the value of technology, data and IP assets

When entering into dialogue as projects 'sunset', prioritise tech and data needs, build strategies and avoid disputes