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Decarbonisation and transitional risk: How will your investment decisions be impacted?

With energy projects operated and their returns modelled for such long periods of time, how might lenders identify and manage

Legislative timetable of the new measures for spare parts

New measures and obligations regarding spare parts have been mainly specified in law n°2020-105 of 10 February 2020 on the

The obligation to incorporate recycled materials

Under the French Environmental Code, in order to achieve waste prevention and management objectives set by national law or European

Prohibition on the destruction of unsold non-food products

A ban initially limited to food products The ban on the destruction of unsold food products was introduced by Law

New disclosure requirements towards consumers

Concerns about the information provided to consumers regarding the environmental characteristics or impacts of products are not new. Provisions relating

COP26 | How has the global climate summit advanced the goal of adaptation and biodiversity?

Investment in nature-based solutions and support for ecosystems are core to COP26's vision to use adaptation strategies to solve both
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | Ofgem consult on energy price cap and £9.4m hydrogen funding

This week, we look at Ofgem's consultations on potential modifications to the energy price cap, £9.4 million in government funding

COP26 | How innovation will decarbonise and transform cities and the built environment

The Glasgow summit showed that there is global ambition to accelerate innovation in cities and industry and the next step

Private copy levy and refurbished devices

On July 1, 2021, a decision by the committee for the private copy levy (“Commission pour la rémunération de la

COP26 | What opportunities emerged for private finance at the Glasgow summit?

The private sector has more clarity on the actions and amounts needed to achieve net zero but now awaits details

Shaky bridge between exhaustion of intellectual property rights and the refurbishing of electronic products

The carbon emissions involved in the production of smartphones and tablets are significant. As "consuming better" has become a major
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | National Grid response services and hydrogen for heating

This week, we look at National Grid's consultation on its latest response services, the need for a decision on hydrogen