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Managing Covid-19

JRS and SSEP: what they mean for workforces

What do the COVID-19 emergency measures Job Retention Scheme and Statutory Self-Employed Pay mean for users and suppliers of contractors

Managing Covid-19

Electronic signatures: COVID-19 and 'business as (un)usual'

As the impact of Covid-19 prompts businesses to rethink and adapt the ways they work, it is more important than

Managing Covid-19

Special Measures under Companies Act, 2013 and Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008 proposed by Ministry of Corporate Affairs & SEBI for COVID-19

Originally published by our relationship firm BTG Legal , the legal adviser to Osborne Clarke’s clients in India, this PDF

Managing Covid-19

Competition law in times of crisis: Can you get a free pass?

COVID-19 has affected our world in unprecedented ways. Hardly any industry is spared from the serious economic consequences. Though some

Managing Covid-19

Payment difficulties: COVID-19 and options for Dutch companies experiencing financial strains

Government and financial sector initiatives can help Dutch businesses that are struggling to meet their payment obligations amid the coronavirus

Managing Covid-19

Update Italy as at 26 March 2020: further measures

Further to our previous posts, we have now updated the list of permitted business activities in Italy with effect from

Managing Covid-19

COVID-19: Potential impact on employers in India's major commercial hubs

Originally published by our relationship firm BTG Legal , the legal adviser to Osborne Clarke’s clients in India, this PDF

Managing Covid-19

Newly released movies in France can benefit from exceptional shorter time conditions for broadcast and on-demand access

The newly adopted Covid-19 health emergency legislation in France includes an exceptional derogation to the so-called media chronology rule imposed

Managing Covid-19

COVID-19 | Employment measures in Spain

Following the declaration on 14 March of a 'state of alarm' in Spain by the Royal Decree 463/2020 for the