All Insights


VC Focus | UK term sheets explained for founders: understanding the jargon

While not legally binding, term sheets reflect the agreed position on material commercial points in a VC investment, and need

VC Focus | Top 10 tips for companies on how best to prepare for VC investment

Businesses may encounter a number of issues when preparing for a venture capital fundraising – but careful planning can make
Future-proofing supply chains

How to protect against counterfeit goods in distressed supply chains

A clear and robust IP strategy can help to fight the recent proliferation of infringements across international trade

VC Focus | How companies can successfully navigate the VC investment process

Securing investment from VCs can be disruptive and slow – but there are things that can be done to ease
Financial Services

Confirmation of payee: a valuable international tool in the fight against fraud?

UK and Netherlands adoption will help combat payment fraud domestically but a lack of international uptake is worrying
Energy and Utilities

The Energy Transition | UK government signs memorandum of understanding on offshore renewable energy

This week we look at the government's signing of a memorandum of understanding with the North Seas Energy Cooperation, a

The Built Environment

A look ahead for UK real estate in 2023

The new year will be a busy one – including the implementation of new regimes for overseas ownership of UK
Energy and Utilities

Energy innovation projects: Key grant funding options | January 2023

We are seeing a transformative change in how energy is generated, balanced, optimised and consumed. Innovation within the energy sector
Energy and Utilities

More renewables and faster: 2022 closes with more news for the energy sector

In addition to the novelties of the last quarter of 2022 in our last newsletter published a few days ago

Life Sciences and Healthcare

New year brings healthcare professional interaction rule update in Belgium

The new rules offer more flexibility to life sciences businesses interacting with health professionals and organisations

EU agrees reforms to its carbon market

European Parliament and the Council reach political agreements to reform the emissions trading system and to prevent carbon leakage
Employment and pensions

What's new in the Startup Law in labour matters?

Main keys and requirements of the new visa for "digital nomads"