All Insights
Showing 145 - 156 of 7750
Energy and Utilities
The Energy Transition | Contracts for Difference scheme to support UK 'repowering' projects
Welcome to our top picks of the latest energy regulatory and market developments in the UK's transition to net zero.
Employment and pensions
The Pensions Regulator says failure to meet UK pensions dashboards' duties is 'not an option'
Schemes need to act now to ensure timely dashboard connection
IT and data
The UK Data (Use and Access) Bill – what businesses should be aware of
The wide-ranging bill covers much more than changes to data protection rules
EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism: how to stay ahead of the 'carbon curve'
Businesses should review their supply chains, 'importer' status and data collection – and be aware a UK CBAM is pending
Knowledge Notes
UK Knowledge Collection | EU consumer law, healthcare regulator changes, and IP value in M&A and PFI deals
Welcome to this week's Knowledge Collection
Regulatory and compliance
Commission finds EU consumer law inadequate to protect consumers in the digital world
Long-awaited 'fitness check' of EU consumer law is finally published, paving the way for a new Digital Fairness Act
Retail and Consumer
De Hoge Raad doet uitspraak over online betaalknoppen: Wat betekent dit voor webshops?
De uitspraak heeft mogelijk grote gevolgen voor online handelaren, vooral in het geval dat rechtszaken tegen consumenten al gestart zijn.
Financial Services
AIFMD II: New regulations for Fund Managers in prospect – European harmonised regime for Debt Funds (really?)
The new EU legislation AIFMD II aims to harmonize the current regulatory patchwork for Debt Funds. The German legislator has
Dispute resolution
Spain's Supreme Court rules Covid-19 not a force majeure event exempting payment of rent on business premises
Covid-19 cannot be deemed to be an instance of force majeure and does not provide grounds for exemption
IT and data
Legitimate interest as a legal ground for data processing in a commercial context in Spain
CJEU does not rule out that a commercial interest may be considered a legitimate interest for processing personal data
Spanish General Directorate of Taxes clarifies the criteria for determining operating profit for corporate income tax purposes
Income, expenses or revenue not included permanently in the corporate income tax base should be excluded from the operating profit
The CNMC approves the circular regulating access and connection to electricity grids for demand-side installations
The expected new Circular renews the methodology for access and connection to the grid of demand-side facilities, responding to new