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IT and data

Risks of training artificial intelligence systems with open-source data: a Spanish perspective

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems often employ large datasets to train the model that will later perform a specific task. It

Regulatory Outlook

Sanctions and Export Control | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Russian sanctions regime | Russian oil price cap update | UK government updates Russia sanctions statutory guidance
Regulatory Outlook

Telecoms | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Ofcom launches enforcement programme on telecoms price rises | Telecoms networks and security providers to implement new security measures by
Regulatory Outlook

Regulated procurement | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Procurement Bill | Standing of campaign groups to challenge procurements may be further clarified | Supreme Court decision awaited in
Regulatory Outlook

Products | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Proposed text of EU General Product Safety regulation published | The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act 2022 | 'Standstill
Banking and finance

France's financial watchdog lays out stance on money laundering for cryptos

ACPR has published its sectoral application principles on anti-money laundering and financing terrorism for digital asset service providers
Regulatory Outlook

Health and safety | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Building safety | The Building Safety Act | Fire safety
Regulatory Outlook

Food law | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

New novel foods? | Genetically modified crops? | New timescales for HFSS products
Regulatory Outlook

Fintech, digital assets, payments and consumer credit | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Edinburgh reforms | Extending confirmation of payee service to additional payment service providers | Measures to combat authorised push payment
Regulatory Outlook

Modern slavery | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

Tesco faces lawsuit in UK for unjust enrichment and negligence in Thai clothing factory | European regulation prohibiting products produced
Regulatory Outlook

Consumer law | UK Regulatory Outlook January 2023

UK consumer law reform | Dark patterns enforcement | Fitness check of EU consumer law