Our finance team have wide experience of advising on the wide-reaching and complex regulatory regimes applicable to the provision of finance to consumers and small-businesses.  We help clients ensure they have compliant documentation, disclosures and processes and also understand all of the regulatory considerations and risks associated with being authorised.

The finance needs of consumers and small businesses are increasingly diverse and the market which serves them is even more so – gone are the days when your bank was your only port of call.  We can support all kinds of business in the market, be they payments or "regtech" innovators, payday lenders, retailers or manufacturers, brokers, dealers or asset finance providers, online lenders or card issuers, banks or building societies, third party servicers or debt purchasers.

We know that as game-changing technologies continue to develop, driving changes in consumer behaviour, the boundaries between financial services, tech, media and comms and retail business are becoming increasingly blurred.  At Osborne Clarke, our experienced team will work the way that you work, delivering seamless advice when your consumer finance matters cross-over into the payments or digital business arenas, or when they trigger a need for consumer or data protection law expertise.