Realis, Irrealis, Liminalis
Realis, Irrealis, Liminalis.
#FindTheOrange AI [Photo] Contest is a competition for images reprocessed with Artificial Intelligence organised by #FindTheOrange and Osborne Clarke Studio Legale (the ‘Organisers’), under the direction of AI Artist and international scientist Mauro Martino, which aims to promote the use of this new technology and knowledge of its potential and risks.
‘Realis, Irrealis, Liminalis. Imagining new ir/realities through AI' is the theme of this first edition.
The term liminal comes from the Latin ‘limen’, meaning threshold, and is used in various fields, from psychology to anthropology, to indicate a state of transition, an intermediate point separating two different phases, conditions, or existences. In art and literature, liminal can refer to representations that stand exactly on this threshold, offering a vision that blurs the boundaries between the real and the unreal.
Participants are asked to imagine and represent the border between the real and the unreal - the liminal - using Artificial Intelligence tools as investigative tools.
Who can enter?
Entry is free of charge and open to anyone over the age of 18.
The contest intends to involve people of different ages, cultures, professions, interests, degrees of knowledge of the world of art and technology, in order to bring together the widest range of creativity and interpretations.
How to enter?

Entries must include the elements listed below and be submitted through the online form by Sunday 8 September 2024
Realis (the original)
A photograph/image/drawing representing the starting point of the reworking/reflection. Format: JPEG. Maximum size: 10 MB. Upon request of the Organisers, participants may be required to share the high-resolution image.
Liminalis (the reworking)
The personal reworking of the original obtained through the use of Artificial Intelligence tools. Format: JPEG. Maximum size: 10 MB. Upon request of the Organisers, participants may be required to share the high-resolution image.
Synthesis and key to the reworking. Maximum 200 characters. Language: English or Italian.
The explanation of the creative process and the meaning of the reworking. Maximum 2500 characters. Language: English or Italian.
AI Prompt and tool
Details of the AI prompt and tool used. Language: English or Italian.
Assessment and prizes
The jury will elect - at its sole discretion - three ex aequo winners.
All the elements requested when submitting the entry will be assessed: Realis (the original), Liminalis (the re-elaboration), Title, Description, AI Prompt and tool used. The entire creative process must demonstrate the quality of intuition in the interpretation of the theme, the originality of its representation, the organic and coherent development of all elements, as well as the quality of the artistic and technical rendering.
€ 1,000
Gift Cards worth a total of €1000 to spend on the circuit.
(10 codes worth €100 each)
€ 1,000
Gift Cards worth a total of €1000 to spend on the circuit.
(10 codes worth €100 each)
€ 1,000
Gift Cards worth a total of €1000 to spend on the circuit.
(10 codes worth €100 each)
Announcement of winners
The winners will be announced on 10 October 2024.
The names of the winners will be announced during the Osborne Clarke AI Round Table: an invitation-only event organised in Milan by Osborne Clarke that will address, in the presence of some of the most authoritative experts in the field, the topic of the legal implications connected with the use of artificial intelligence.
Following the event, the winners will be notified in writing, sent by email, to the address indicated filling up the form.
Use of images
The Organisers
- may use the images in any way and form for the purpose of promoting (i) subsequent editions of the event or similar events, (ii) of the Organisers and their activities and
- may sell the images for the sole purpose of raising funds for charitable projects that fall within the mission of #FindTheOrange.
- Each participant may submit only one entry composed of: Realis (the original), Liminalis (the reworking), Title, Description, AI Prompt and tool used.
- Each participant is responsible for ensuring that the images sent to the Organisers are original, do not infringe third party rights, do not depict other people in any way and do not contain elements that may, even indirectly, allow other people to be identified.
Subject always to the above, with regard to image processing by means of generative AI tools, please note the following.
Generally, the terms of use of the main generative AI tools currently on the market contain clauses according to which the OUTPUT obtained by the user through the AI tool is the property of the user, it being understood that the user is obliged to make sure that the use of the OUTPUT does not infringe the rights of third parties, also taking into account the possibility that the tool generates similar OUTPUT.
In the interests of creativity and artistic freedom, we do not wish to restrict the use of generative AI tools, so each participant may choose to use the tool of his or her choice. Each participant will, however, be required to check that the conditions of use of the tool used - in force at the time of the creation of the OUTPUT - stipulate that the participant is the exclusive owner of the OUTPUT and that he/she may make extensive use of it (including for the purposes of participating in this contest and to allow the Organisers to use the images as described above).
The Organisers reserve the right, in any case, to carry out their own checks on the artificial intelligence tools used by participants and on the relevant terms and conditions of use, and may exclude one or more participants at any time if they suspect or consider, at their sole discretion, that there are restrictions on the use of OUTPUT or that OUTPUT may infringe the rights of third parties.
Processing of personal data
In order to find out how the Organisers process participants' personal data, we invite participants to read the privacy policy, available at the link.
Who organises this contest?
The contest's Organisers are
- #FindTheOrange
- Osborne Clarke Studio Legale
Artistic and scientific direction is provided by
- Prof. Mauro Martino
Any questions?
If you have any queries about the contest, please get in touch
#FindTheOrange is the non-profit association founded by Osborne Clarke in Italy that promotes innovation in the visual arts and life sciences, with a particular focus on digital health.