Tech transactions: M&A in an uncertain market

We are pleased to announce an upcoming panel discussion on the topic of Tech transactions: M&A in an uncertain market hosted by Osborne Clarke. As technology continues to drive rapid change in various industries, navigating mergers and acquisitions in unpredictable market conditions requires unique expertise and insights.
This panel discussion brings together CEOs, CFOs and founders that have recently been through an M&A transaction, together with partners from Osborne Clarke's Corporate team, to discuss their experiences and insights into the challenges and opportunities of doing M&A during times of uncertainty.
Our distinguished panellists are:
- Caroline Plumb, CEO, Gravita
- Louise Grzasko, Partner, Osborne Clarke
- Nick Field, CFO, Dovetail Games
- Shyam Thakrar, Founder, Blossom Educational
The panel will be moderated by Mathias Loertscher, Partner and Head of Tech Transactions at Osborne Clarke. Join us as we explore strategies, best practice and practical considerations for approaching M&A transactions in the Tech sector. The event will feature a panel discussion and Q&A session, followed by networking drinks.
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