Look Back, Face Forward® 2022/23

Join us for another online version of our annual, action-packed look at the present and future of advertising law.

Topics include:

  • The top ten marketing cases of 2022
  • Essential marketing control changes of 2022
  • What's in store for 2023 and beyond
  • A keynote presentation: CMA priority focuses for 2023 and beyond

To register for your place please click on the register button below. Instructions on how to pay (£130.00) will be issued once you have registered. Please note we are using EventBrite to collect payment for this event. To view EventBrite's privacy policy, please click here. Confirmation of your place and joining instructions will be issued upon receipt of your payment. Any attendees who are unable to attend the webinar will be provided with a copy of the slides and a recording of the conference. All payments are non-refundable

We hope you can join us for this event which will take place online. 

Register here

Register here
09:00 - 12:00 GMT

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