I have been lucky enough to have been at Osborne Clarke for 23 years now. During that time, I have had many phases to my career, some more stressful than others. I took over leadership of our Banking practice in 2007 (just at the start of the looming global financial crisis!) and then our Projects, Real Estate and Finance group not long after, up until 2014. This was a very busy time which coincided with the early years of my children's lives. I did a deal with them and my wife that, when I could, I would find time to be around them more as they grew up. I knew it was coming to a crucial time for me in my relationship with them.

I have always worked fairly flexibly, which for me meant working a lot on the train or from the kitchen table (after bath time), rather than always being chained to my desk. Two years ago I agreed with the firm that I would move to a four-day week, in part because I wanted to keep performing at a very high level, but also take some time back. The firm's senior management were great about it. My core clients were great about it too. The interesting thing was some of the reactions I got from some friends, colleagues and competitors. A lot of people would say "so you're taking your foot off the gas?" or make other similar comments. Those who know me well know that's not really me! I thought that said a lot about how we still have work to do to change perceptions, which here at Osborne Clarke we are desperately keen to do.

So far the four-day week is working really well for me. Most Mondays I probably average about an hour's work from somewhere. On some Mondays I do no work, and some I may be unlucky and do more. I never come in to the office. I don’t let that small amount of work stop me doing what I would otherwise be doing. I sometimes feel it on a Tuesday, but as a package the whole thing feels like a big improvement for me. It's give and take, I know there will be some days when work takes too much but that’s ok. I know that I am lucky, I have an excellent team. I know not everyone has that support to fall back on.

I have a sense that it works well for our clients and my team too. I am always contactable on a Monday in a real emergency. I also appreciate that, for some, being contactable may mean the arrangement isn’t working as it should – and I understand that. For me however, as a senior Partner in this firm, this just underlines the need for these arrangements to be genuinely flexible and work both ways.

Omar Al-Nuaimi, Partner