In April, we held some great events in London and Bristol for our LGBT+ Network, Osborne Clarke Pride. There was a fantastic turnout at both events and the panels (made up of members of the OC Pride committee) explored a wide range of awkward LGBT+ questions with a mix of honesty and humour. The events generated a lot of audience participation and lively discussion of subjects which can often be ignored. The panel discussed coming out stories, gender neutral bathrooms, and the importance of allies in both straight and LGBT+ spheres. Attendees also got their hands on the limited edition rainbow lanyards which are now being proudly displayed around our offices.
Partner Omar Al-Nuaimi said of the events:
"It was great to see the Osborne Clarke Pride team host such an engaging, entertaining and powerful event. It was really well attended too and the team did a fantastic job of making everyone feel welcome and a proper part of the launch, while tackling what we all need to be thinking about head on and without pulling any punches!"
Anyone in the organisation can join Osborne Clarke Pride, and we welcome allies to join and be active members of the network. As we're a fully inclusive group, we don't ask anyone to identify their sexuality, gender identity or ally status when signing up.