International legal practice Osborne Clarke has been reappointed to the high-profile Pension Protection Fund (PPF) Legal Panel. The firm will be one of six key advisors to provide specialist and expert legal advice to the PPF.

Following a comprehensive tendering process, the new legal panel will have six key providers, which has been reduced from the 23 that were originally appointed in October 2013.

Osborne Clarke will provide a firm-wide full service offering that will include pensions, financial services, litigation and insolvency advice, as well as continuing  to provide advice jointly to the PPF and trustees of schemes which have entered a PPF assessment period.

Jonathan Hazlett, Partner and Head of Osborne Clarke’s pensions team, commented: “The PPF is a long-standing and highly valued client. We have been on their Legal Panel since it was established in 2013 and we are delighted to be reappointed with an expanded mandate.”

“Our team prides itself on having strong client- facing values that align with the PPF’s present goals and future aspirations which will allow us to work in partnership with the PPF. The reappointment  provides us with an excellent opportunity to further invest in our relationship with the PPF for the next two years, and beyond.”

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