At the conclusion of a complex corporate aggregation process that involved all the companies operating in the purification sector in the Province of Varese, the merger by incorporation of the six so-called 'ecological companies' (Tutela ambientale dei torrenti Arno, Rile e Tenore S.p.A., Bozzente S.r.l., Società per la tutela e la salvaguardia delle acque del lago di Varese e lago di Comabbio S.p.A., Società per la tutela ambientale del bacino del fiume Olona in Provincia di Varese S.p.A., Tutela ambientale bonifica e risanamento del territorio attraversato dai corsi d'acqua Valmartina, Prada, Margorabbia e dal bacino dei laghetti di Ganna e del torrente Dovrana S.p.A. and Società per il risanamento e la salvaguardia dei bacini della sponda orientale del Verbano S.p.A.) present in the reference area, into Alfa S.r.l, a fully publicly owned company, manager of the integrated water service that operates according to the in-house providing scheme, was recently completed.

This transaction means that Alfa S.r.l. will be the sole entity ensuring the supply and management of all segments of the integrated water cycle in the relevant territory in compliance with the provisions and methods contemplated by the related Area Plan.

Alfa S.r.l. was assisted in the entire and complex operation for all legal aspects by Osborne Clarke, who worked with a multidisciplinary team composed of the partner Giorgio Lezzi and trainee Giulia Bonzini for public and administrative law issues, by the partner Giovanni Penzo and by lawyer Ludovica Venafro for corporate and civil matters, as well as by Giovanni Cremona and Mirko Bellegotti of Studio Tarantino-Cremona Monarca e Associati which also advised on the economic aspects of the transaction.

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