Osborne Clarke has continued its rapid international expansion with the opening of its 15th office, in Paris. France is the 7th jurisdiction in which the international law firm has an office. The office is being opened by Béatrice Delmas-Linel who joins from De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, where she was Partner. Béatrice has also held several senior roles in the legal team at Microsoft Corporation, and was managing Partner of August & Debouzy.

More senior appointments are in the pipeline, which will further develop the range of services offered in Paris.

Simon Beswick said:

"Today is a significant milestone for Osborne Clarke. The opening of our Paris office marks another major step in the first phase of our international expansion, which has seen us establish a truly pan-European business. Over the past year, we have combined with firms in Spain and Italy and opened in Hamburg, Paris and Brussels.

"Just over one year ago, we had around 450 lawyers in 6 offices. Collectively, we now have over 600 lawyers in 15 offices across 7 jurisdictions, and have double digit revenue growth, which is good progress by any account."

Béatrice said:
"Two main elements attracted me to open Osborne Clarke France. First, the clarity of vision that they have – they are unashamedly sector focused and that works well for my digital business client base. Second, there is an energy, a sense of ambition and palpable momentum at Osborne Clarke right now that is unmatched at most other firms. "


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