PEOPLEAdvanced Search
Stefan Deswert

Partner, Belgium

Wiktor Rustecki

Associate, Polska

Paulina Lekan - Bodys

Associate, Polska

Piotr Brzózka

Senior Associate, Polska

382 results

Property litigation

Our specialist real estate litigation lawyers excel in helping clients resolve all kinds of disputes ranging from landlord and tenant to complex and highly technical development disputes. We provide a cradle-to-grave service and have a wide range of experience, from advising clients on possible angles to exploit and add value...

ESG, zrównoważony rozwój i odpowiedzialność biznesu

Kwestie odpowiedzialnego, zrównoważonego biznesu, działań w zakresie środowiska, odpowiedzialności społecznej i ładu korporacyjnego (ESG) zajmują coraz ważniejsze miejsce na agendzie przedstawicieli wszystkich sektorów. Wśród członków zarządów znacz

Project finance

Project and infrastructure finance is a specialist area that requires a combination of industry and market knowledge with legal and risk management expertise, as well as a sound grasp of the financial fundamentals. Our international team has a reputation for successfully delivering first-class support in all segments of the infrastructure...

Tax disputes

Multinationals face more tax scrutiny as compliance landscape shifts The tax compliance climate has changed radically in recent years – and this change has led to greater scrutiny of whether multinational businesses are paying what taxes they should and where they should. The perception of what is avoidance, what is...

Regulated procurement

Our specialist team of regulated procurement lawyers advise on all aspects of UK, European Member State and international regulated public and utilities procurement law. We advise public bodies and regulated utilities on structuring and delivering high value procurements for contracts across all of our sectors. Many of our clients are...

Regulated public procurement

Our specialist team of regulated procurement lawyers advise on all aspects of UK, European Member State and international regulated public and utilities procurement law. We advise public bodies and regulated utilities on structuring and delivering high value procurements for contracts across all of our sectors. Many of our clients are...

Cartels and damages

Our dedicated team is made up of competition lawyers and litigators who are highly experienced in all aspects of alleged competition law infringements – from handling regulatory investigations to bringing and defending damages actions. We also have strong relationships with a number of professional service firms including economists and technology...

Product regulation and consumer protection

As leading product regulation and consumer protection advisers, we are here to help maximise success in bringing products to market, advising on safety, legal and regulatory issues at all stages of a product’s journey and on all interactions with consumers. From the very start of a venture or product launch...

Construction disputes

Formal dispute resolution should always be a last resort. It’s why we regularly act as project counsel during the development and construction phases, drafting and negotiating contracts from the very start of a project. Of course, contract risk is a key aspect of any construction or engineering project, from complex...

Banking and finance disputes

Organisations are increasingly involved in major investigations involving a wide range of sensitive issues. These extend to bribery and corruption, fraud, financial conduct, reputational, ethical, risk and regulatory issues. We have considerable experience of both conducting internal investigations on behalf of clients and in acting for clients in response to...
Bringing out the best in people

The working world has changed. We've changed with it, by evolving flexible and imaginative approaches to everyone's work/life needs.