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Energy and Utilities

Energy and Utilities Update | 12 June 2020

Welcome to our latest update on regulatory and market developments in the energy and utilities sector. In this edition we


Double taxation treaties and 'deeming': UK Supreme Court takes narrow approach

The final court of appeal in Fowler v HMRC recently ruled in HMRC's favour on a point of interpretation of

The Built Environment

Real estate and blockchain: the transformative potential

The ledger technology promises to transform the way that real estate projects are run, our Paris-based experts argue in an

The Built Environment

The use of next-generation connectivity in the construction industry

Can 5G help to overcome some of the challenges we see on construction projects – and what are the hurdles

Retail and Consumer

Retail brands during lockdown: the winners and losers

Which brands and areas of retail will emerge from the Covid-19 crisis ahead and which will have fallen behind?